Label of the Week: Konditormeister Thomas Haas Masterful Spread

Label of the Week: Konditormeister Thomas Haas Masterful Spread

Allow me to introduce you to a man whose name has become synonymous with excellence in the world of confections, a virtuoso of sugar and flour hailing from the enchanting Black Forest region of Aichhalden, Germany. He crossed oceans and found his home in the city of Vancouver, where he transformed his dreams into reality with his culinary wizardry. A fourth-generation pâtissier, his lineage is steeped in the traditions of crafting exquisite desserts that transcend the ordinary.

But this man is no mere pastry chef; he is a visionary, an artist, a creator of edible dreams. His name? Thomas Haas. More than 15 years ago, Thomas and his wife Lisa started pursuing their lifelong dream: "to be creative, have fun and make people laugh, while preparing the most delectable handcrafted chocolates and pastries imaginable" - Thomas Haas. And so far, they've been excelling at this!

Clear proof is their latest Haaselnut spread which will undoubtedly delight your taste buds and leave you smiling from ear to ear.

Have you ever wondered what makes one pastry or chocolate more delicious than others?

It's all about how they're made - the combination of scientific expertise and skilled craftsmanship is what makes them so appealing. Haaselnut Spread is the result of Thomas' years of experience and deep knowledge of pastry arts.

The same principle applies to custom label printing

It's a mix of art and science. Working with different materials, creating unique shapes, adding finishes, nailing the colors, and achieving the level of detail that labels often demand is quite a challenge. But when you see a product completely transformed by a custom label - turning a plain container into something that brings happiness - you understand why it's all worth the effort.

Thomas Haas' eye-catching Metallic Bopp Label features a special die shape, which is cut-through

Their Spread labels are printed on a Metallic Bopp Film with the word “Spread” in a metallic silver. They have also created a cut through shape in the middle of the label to give you a glimpse of their delicious spread in the jar.

But what exactly is a cut-through? And, how does it help your custom labels?

A cut-through is a unique technique that allows custom-made cuts to the inside area of the label, creating memorable, cool-looking effects to the label design that not only makes the product stand out but add to the overall experience of your customers.

You can use a Cut-through to create all sorts of shapes and designs, from simple polygons to more intricate geometric patterns. With Cut-throughs, you can let your creativity shine and come up with some truly unique designs.

Like Thomas Haas and his chocolates and pastries, we strive to bring happiness through beautiful, well-crafted labels. And we think we’re pretty good at it! So if you need custom label printing services, contact us - we’d be happy to help you turn your product into something special.

Looking for a delicious and unique spread to add to your family’s breakfast routine?

Look no further than Thomas' Haaselnut Spread! A smooth, creamy, and absolutely delicious spread that you will love.

Are you a partner? Do you have a custom label that you would like us to feature? Send us an email at with the subject line "FeatureMyLabel", and we'll be happy to take a look!