Why Use QR Codes On Product Labels?

Why Use QR Codes On Product Labels?

QR codes are everywhere, from product packaging to online products. They are gaining extreme popularity, and that's why this industry is becoming extremely competitive.

But why is that so?

Businesses are always looking for ways to attract their target audience, so it's important to be creative and implement innovative marketing tactics.

This competition has raised people's awareness, so businesses using traditional strategies don't stand out as much as those implementing the latest techniques. That's why businesses adapt to this change so the company doesn't have to suffer the consequences of being late.

But what is a QR code, and how does it even work?

If you are unfamiliar with QR codes, then keep reading. This article covers all aspects of QR codes: what they are, their benefits, and how you can create one for yourself.

So, let's dive into it.

What Is A QR Code?

QR code, or Quick Response code, is a two-dimensional barcode. It stores information in a pattern of black squares arranged on a white square grid.

They were originally developed in Japan for tracking automotive parts during manufacturing. Since then, QR codes have become widely popular for various applications.

They can store significant data, have fast readability, and are versatile in linking physical objects to digital content. When scanned using a smartphone or Quick Response code reader, the encoded information can trigger actions such as:

  • Opening a website
  • Displaying text
  • Initiating other interactive customer experiences.

Because of their efficiency, they are commonly used in marketing, product labeling, ticketing, and many other areas.

Source: zazzle

How Do QR Codes Work?

The work process is simple.

The black and white dots in the QR code carry specific information. When it's scanned via mobile or a camera app on a smartphone, it translates the data. It then directs customers to the particular information, most commonly a website. So here's how it goes:

QR code contains information → Black and white dots carry it → Scanned via smartphone or camera app → QR code translates information → Directs the user to specific content, i.e., website.

When you're creating a Quick Response code, you add a destination URL. That's how a QR code takes you to a website. However, what if you're changing your website? What will happen to the QR code if your website changes?

Moreover, printing many labels can be hectic, time-consuming, and costly.

That's how dynamic codes help.

How does it help?

When creating this QR code, you're not locked into just one destination URL. You can return to the QR code generator anytime and edit the website's code with just a few clicks.

Benefits Of Using QR Codes

Marketers are becoming smarter than ever. It is because the audience has become much smarter. They have access to all the information in the world at the tap of a finger.

But how does a Quick Response code help with that?

There are many advantages to using Quick Response code. Let's examine them to understand why you should implement these in your strategy.

1. Get Quality Engagement From Your Target Audience

With the help of Quick Response code, customers can engage with your products and learn more about them, such as their features, how they work, and their benefits.

The best part is that they don't even have to search for websites or YouTube tutorials, which can distract them. They only need to scan the code, redirecting them to the webpage with specific information.

If you want to choose a minimalistic design so your label won't look overcrowded. Quick Response codes are ideal for that.

With these, you can reduce the cost of adding large supplemental labels to the packaging, thus contributing to an environmentally friendly package.

2. Memorable Experience Leading To Brand Building

You might wonder how a QR code leads to memorable experiences. Aren't we supposed to add information?

It depends. You can add either tutorials or fun-based information or content. How?

The QR can lead customers to the social media platforms where you're doing a giveaway, contest, or instructional videos of your product.

Creative, out-of-the-box thinking is essential when using Quick Response codes. They can make your brand stand out and achieve unprecedented success.

Many people are becoming health conscious. According to a report, around 80% of US adults check the labels on the nutrition facts panel. It has a high impact on their buying decisions.

But how is that relevant to you?

You can use Quick Response codes to share this information with your customers engagingly. This method saves a lot of space on the package and allows you to share information in a digestible format.

For example, in the case of food products such as vitamin supplements or a snack, a Quick Response code can direct customers to online resources that provide details about various ingredients. But you can go one step further with it.

Share cooking recipes for that product. How can they make their dishes even more tasty? What are some hacks they should know? By doing this, you'll win the heart of your audience. It shows that you truly care about them.

4. Improves Your Marketing Efforts

These are used for marketing and branding as well. But how?

There are many ways. However, one of the most common is capturing the data of customers who engage with your webpage through QR code scanning. It allows you to check customer engagement and understand the consumer buying journey.

Thus, analyzing the customer journey helps understand consumer behavior and make informed decisions. It allows brands to customize designs, track consumer interactions, and collect valuable data for targeted marketing campaigns.

When a customer interacts with your webpage via the website, you can add them to the sales funnel. You can now invite them to:

  • Make purchase
  • Join a loyalty program
  • Sign up for special offers

5. Optimization Of Website and Social Media

Nowadays, quality content is everything. When it comes to SEO, most people believe that textual content is enough. However, that's not entirely true.

Web objects such as music clips, videos, and images are valuable in improving your social graph. They enhance SEO and SMO as well.

Because you're getting more traffic via these QR codes, encourage your customers to share them with others. All of this plays a huge role in optimization.

6. Strengthens Your Social Proof

To build a loyal offline community, you should use online communities. How?

Use QR codes as social proof of your expertise and impact on the company.

Let's understand it better with an example.

You can link the blog post to a particular article or social media post that received a lot of engagement. It will build trust and recognition. That's how you can build long-term brand loyalty. 

7. Anti-Counterfeit Measures

Now, QR codes are even used to measure the authenticity of a brand.

They are employed as anti-counterfeit measures. Through this, consumers can verify the authenticity of a product by scanning the code for official information.

How To Create A QR Code For Your Product Label

Now that you know its significance, you might wonder how to make a QR code. It's not difficult at all.

All you need to do is follow our step-by-step guide.

Research about online platforms that can generate QR codes. You'll find a lot of platforms, so it's important to choose wisely and make the right decision.

Sign up for an account. But is signing up important?

Yes. That way, you can track the code, download it, and edit dynamic QR codes. Remember to choose the dynamic QR code option from the beginning.

It'll give you prompts, so just follow it. Add URL, upload your logo, email address, etc. After adding all this information, you're getting closer to having your QR code.

Click on the Create your QR code button. Now, you can download your QR code.

Here's a pro tip: Download a vector file of the QR code for label printing. Share it with your designer so he can perfectly place it on the label.

5 Tips To Use: Use QR Codes On Product Labels

Now that you know the significance of QR codes and why you must use them for your business. Here are some additional tips to take your QR code to the next level. By implementing these, you can ensure your target audience loves your brand even more.

  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure the linked content is optimized for mobile devices. Thus accommodating the varying screen sizes and resolutions of smartphones.
  • Regular Content Updates: Regularly updating the linked content maintains its relevance. This is crucial for time-sensitive promotions, changing product details, and dynamic marketing campaigns.
  • Visual Clarity: Enhance visual clarity by incorporating a small visual cue, like a QR code icon, to signal the purpose of the code. It can improve recognition and encourage consumers to engage with the QR code.
  • Strategic Placement: To enhance discoverability, choose a strategic and visible location on product labels. Consider the natural flow of a consumer's attention on the label.
  • Consumer Education: Include brief, user-friendly instructions on the product label, guiding consumers to scan the code. It helps bridge the gap for those less familiar with the technology.

Ending Thoughts

By using QR codes smartly, you can attract more customers to your business, eventually increasing your sales. It is a major contribution to business growth.

If used correctly, they can transform the branding and marketing of a business. Which means your marketing efforts yield the best results. The market is now heavily virtual. Many of the population have access to smartphones and quick internet connections. To reach out to these people, you must use creative strategies, and QR codes are one of them.

It's an effective way to tell people about your brand uniquely. So, it's best to integrate QR codes into your product labels.

However, ensure that the QR code is high-quality and placed correctly. Moreover, verify that your content is relevant and mobile-friendly to the customer. Using this strategy and adding creativity is extremely rewarding.